Friday, May 25, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
76 Trombones...
I had the distinct privilege of sitting on the River City, Iowa School Board this past weekend in the CLHS presentation of "The Music Man"
Friday night was slightly nerve racking as the Houston Statesmen, the area's "premiere" barbershop quartet, took in our show. Apparently they liked what they saw as they have asked us to perform in their summer "extravaganza" this July...I'm pretty sure I will be out of town.
The kids did a FABULOUS job. This weekend broke the CLHS record for attendance!
The group is comprised of Tavis, our choir director, Eric, a senior filling in for our assistant principal, myself, and Dave, our band director.
Dave also conducted the orchestra, so there were a few scenes where we were the school board trio. Or his character was just ALWAYS late.
And for the record, that is real human hair under my nose.
Which I wasn't aware I would be wearing until opening night. (You thespians understand what I'm talking about.)
Farewell, la-dies! Farewell, la-dies! Farewell, la-dies! We're going to leave you now!
Monday, May 07, 2007
To those of you who still actually read this thing, my deepest apologies. I'll share my stories for not keeping up when there is photographic evidence available to share. In the mean time, we have less than two weeks until final exams! I think I might be more excited than the kids. WOO HOO!
In the mean time, enjoy the girls.
Eat your heart out Hollywood