Sunday, April 08, 2007

Lost and Found...

After having three games in three days, I hadn't seen the girls awake from Sunday night to Thursday evening. Understandably, Maddie and Emma probably felt the need to introduce themselves to me this weekend! At any rate, here's some of what we have been up to lately. Happy Easter to all! HE IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED!

I love me some egg huntin'!

Making a "Jesus Little Lamb" frame

Did you know that a full grown dad and two small children can fit in a Dora the Explorer pop up tent?

Am I not the cutest thing you have ever seen?

Amazingly, he DID fit down the slide!

Victory For MSU!

So what if I hadn't seen a game all year.

So what if I nearly forgot the sport existed.

When the school you pull for, live for, die for, bleed their colors, scores the go ahead goal with 18.2 seconds left, you're bound to leap around the living room like a fool, waking your sleeping children.

So sue me.